This antibiotic will ruin you. 

4739Hi there, we need to talk. My name is Amy Moser. I have almost written this post at least 20 times and got too overwhelmed and abandoned it. Well here goes…

The antibiotics you took or are taking for your sinus infection, UTI, skin infection, laser eye surgery…ect…may have already damaged you.

Cipro, Levaquin, Avalox, nearly every generic ending in “quin”, “oxacin,””ox,”…are all part of a large family of antibiotics called “Fluoroquinolones.” The FDA finally updated their warning on these antibiotics as of July 2016. They site “multiple system damage that may be irreversible. Permanent you guys. Here is the link for the warning if you are a doubting Thomas: Take a gander real quick if you are reading this with an eyebrow raised. Trust me, I wish I had been given the opportunity to soak up this information before it was too late.

In 2010, I took Cipro for a UTI and it changed my life forever. A round of antibiotics literally changed the path I was walking, into a path that I couldn’t even crawl on. Multiple spontaneous tendon and ligament ruptures, spinal degeneration, and arthritis that is widespread. We are talking multiple joint dislocations and surgeries to most of my large joints and spine. Twenty surgeries in the last 7 years if you wanna count. I said T W E N T Y. This class of antibiotics were supposed to be only used as a last resort antibiotics, if all other options had failed. They never were supposed to be given for common infections. They damage the body so seriously because they actually damage the mitochondrial DNA. Those affect all cell function. Fantastic. You now have tissue paper tendons and ligaments. You are a human piñata at a party and life is whacking you left and right. Do you know what it feels like to hear and feel your shoulder pull apart like taffy, or your achilles pop and tear apart like an old rubber band? It gets even better. Flouroquinolones cross the blood brain barrier. This can result in psychiatric events, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I was incredibly fortunate not to have the psychiatric side of this.

Here is another sickening truth…the damage is cumulative. The more exposures you have to these antibiotics, the more damage is done to your body. Not just for some people, ALL people. A hundred percent of people who take a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic, show changes in blood flow to the tendon, cartilage, and ligament in their bodies. Each person has a different breaking point depending on their own unique DNA. Some people fall apart or die after 1 pill. I fell apart after my 4th round of Fluoroquinolone antibiotics in my life and some people are on their 25th round and are still oblivious to what is happening inside them until they break. It might not even be a physical one. It may be a psychotic one. By then, it’s too late. The damage is done.

This was my nightmare. It gets worse. There is no cure. No treatment. No relief. No specialist even. Im telling you…if it hadn’t been for the knowledge that God is ever present and with me…I would have walked out in front of a bus. He is the reason I am sane…well mostly.

I am writing this in hopes that you will educate yourself and your families. Don’t take that antibiotic in ignorance one more time. Don’t take your chances. Don’t be afraid to demand an alternative. You get only one life.

I am convinced that a large portion of why God allowed this in my life, is so that I could use my loud mouth to educate you. To share the blessings and miracles He has given me throughout this journey and to be my obnoxious self for a cause that needs to be shouted from the rooftops. If you take a Fluoroquinolone by choice…please don’t tell me. It makes me have anxiety and it makes me worry about something I can’t control. Only you can control what goes in your body. When you tell me you take these antibiotics, it makes me feel physically ill. If you only understood the risk you are taking, you wouldn’t take it. Save the explanation. There are alternatives if you demand them. I’ve refused these medications on multiple occasions and so has my mom who is allergic to penicillins and Cephalosporins and Sulfa. There are other options if you demand them. If you don’t have Anthrax poisoning, or pseudomonas bacteria…my family doctor will tell you, they can figure something else out.

I am going to share some trustworthy Fluoroquinolone warning links. If you look them up…I am sure you will be glad you did. Do it for yourself and do it for your friends and your family.


Over the last 7 years, I’ve been to 3 Rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons and spine surgeons, physical therapists, physical medicine and rehab specialists and 3 different primary care doctors. There is no treatment but to try to put back together what breaks.

I have seen multiple docs from Mayo clinic and they are in the same boat as the others. They don’t know how to reverse it. They can’t. The science is not there yet. I contacted a doctor from Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, his name was Jay Smith, and he had been part of a research study of the effects of Fluoroquinolones on the musculoskeletal system in the athletic population. He actually wrote me back when I asked him for a consult and told him I would even fly there for an appointment if he thought he could help me. He said that he didn’t know how to treat it. They know the science behind the damage that Fluoroquinolones cause, but the science is not there yet in how to reverse it.

I will tell you this. I reached an incredibly low and dark place when he responded with this. You have to understand that I have had a miracle. God is what has gotten me through this and I can’t put the credit on anything else. The ministers at my church prayed for me with blessed oil. In the Bible it talks about this in James chapter 5. I had an incredible experience during that “administration.” My son was 8 years old at the time and he had a dream that night where God spoke to him and told him that “He was going to heal his mom, but we had to be patient.” This was 5 years ago. I am hiking mountains regularly now. My body still has many problems but my progress has been a miracle and all my surgeons and doctors will tell you the same. God is the great physician, and He alone is the answer. I did write a book about this. It’s called “The Magnificent Story of a Lame Author.” It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, and Kobo. There is also a link directly to Amazon from my blog homepage. I have had countless blessings through this and the credit for the improvement is God’s.

We have to get this information out there. Spread it to everyone you know. Print the FDA warning and show it to your friends and family and even your doctors. Sometimes the warnings slip through the cracks and they don’t know. You could save their lives. Alright people, let’s make a positive difference! Below are further medical study links and warnings associated with Fluoroquinolones. They were sent by a German contact who has compiled this information. Some cannot be directly linked, but if copied and pasted in the search bar, will be accessible. For more information and links, please read my post, “One Floxie Lady,” found here:

List of Quinolines, Quinolones, and Fluoroquinolones:

Types of Quinolines

  • chloroquine
  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Mefloquine
  • Quinine

Types of Quinolones

  • nalidixic acid
  • quinolinecarboxylic acid

Types of fluoroquinolones


nalidixic acid

quinolinecarboxylic acid


  1. Ciprofloxacin not only damages cartilage in children and young people, but also in adults:


  1. Cipro causes serious arthropathies in adults: → DOI: 10.1177/106002809302700308
Tendon damage and tears (and other muscle-scelettal issues) can occur months after discountinuation of the medication: → DOI: 10.1097/CND.0b013e3181d23a9c
For patients with Myasthenia gravis the use of this medication can lead to death:

https://www.arznei-telegramm. de/html/2012_09/1209404_01.html → DOI: 10.2165/11593110-000000000-00000
The medication can lead to myalgies which require emergency treatments: rature

Cipro can lead to lasting vision disorders: → DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9071.2007.01427.x

Central nervous system disorders including suicide: verse_Reactions.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC2360825/pdf/postmedj00087-0063.pdf of_the_World_Health_Organization %27s_adverse_drug_reactions_database_and_discussion_of_potential_mechanisms

Heart ailments and arrythmias:

https://www.ncbi → DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1300083

Hypoglycemia and Diabetes: VpRTqA&oi=scholarr -9343(09)00871-7/abstract

Long-lasting  problems of the gastrointestinal tract:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih .gov/pmc/articles/PMC2586385/

Serious kidney and u-tract problems, including kidney failure: -5347(05)67379-X/abstract


Liver failure even after a single dose of Cipro; damages to the gall bladder; DOI:10.1007/s100960100513 → DOI:


Cipro inhibits the very important liver enzyme CYP 3A4 mportance_of_knowing_your_CYPs/links/53db72090cf2a19eee8b7819/Drug-interactions-in-dentistry-The-importance-of-knowing-your-CYPs.pdf

Incidents of blood thinning and fatal bleeding -1268-7/ → DOI:10.1007/s00063-003-1268-7 → DOI: 10.3171/jns.2004.100.4.0710 → DOI: 10.1016/j.jcf.2006.08.002

Cipro given during pregnancy can cause either termination of pregnancy or deformities of the embryo: → DOI: 10.1016/0301-2115(95)02524-3 → DOI: 10.1016/S0035-9203(03)80032-9) → DOI: 10.1016/0301-2115(95)02524-3 .pdf

Reproductive toxicity (reduction of sperms); Reduced fertility
Medication risks which are omitted from the package insert:

Cardiac death through Cipro
Lesions of the aorta

Life-threatening rhabdomyolysis

Lethal Thrombocytopenia

Multisymptomatic Syndrom which leads to permanent handicap

Retinal detachment with permanent vision loss:

http://jamanetwork . com/journals/jama/fullarticle/1148331

Uveitis and Optikusneuritis:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/25275293
Fixed pharmaceutical reactions: pdf



Guillain-Barré-Syndrome → DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2013.12.009

von Willebrand-Syndrome → DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(94)92748-0

Permanent hearing loss

Systemic Lupus erythematodes.

Pyoderma gangraenosum

Stomatitis _1_fluor.pdf

Manic disorders verse_Reactions



Toxic and fatal epidermal Nekrolysis

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/9310730 ecrolysis

Fatal Vasculitis and frequency of vasculitis

http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1111/j.1398-9995.1997.tb02612.x/abstract → DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.1997.tb02612.x URIC.17.aspx

Gangrene which requires amputation


Neuropsychiatric side effects and Brain damage, including PTSD and Gulf war Illness in the Military:




3,789 thoughts on “This antibiotic will ruin you. 

  1. Many years ago I took Cipro and I was put on a Quinlan antibotic too. I had terrible reactions to the Quinlan and to the Cipro. I was allergic to penicillin and the doctor gave me Cipro which is a derivative of penicillin. I broke out in huge welts all over. When I took the Quinlan It gave me severe muscle and Joint pain. I called the doctor and told them about it and they told me to quit taking it back by that time I had already taken half of the prescription. I have auto immune issues and severe pain in my joints. I also have extreme depression and anxiety. I have extreme pain throughout my body, please write to me with any kind of information that I could use to help me. I have been to doctors for the last 20 years and not getting any relief! I would so appreciate a reply from you with any suggestion. Thank you Kathy in Florida


    1. Kathy, I’m so sorry. I don’t know of a promising treatment. I was left very much feeling like the only thing we could do, was fix the tendons and ligaments when they would tear. Hang in there. Pray. God is what helped me. Modern medicine just isn’t there yet in the cure department for Flouroquinolone damage..


    2. I decided to reply to you because you asked for help – but this is for everyone. I had a reaction to quinolone antibiotics (Levaquin and another) and developed worsening joint pain (but luckily nothing worse). I accidentally discovered that giving up gluten and dairy prevented the pain. (I had to give up not only the usual gluten, but also corn and quinoa – basically all grains except rice.) It is not an easy diet but so much better than pain. For years I was extremely sensitive and would react within an hour to some restaurant foods even when I tried to be clear to waitstaff and careful about what I ate. Luckily I have become somewhat less sensitive over time, though I would never knowingly consume either because the pain is not worth it. My sympathy to all who reacted to these drugs.


  2. This makes so much sense now. I have Cervical Dystonia. In 2007 I had an uncontrollable infection due to an infestation of spiders in my house. I was covered in spider bites for 6 monthIs. The last few wouldn’t heal and became infected. I took a generic cipro on an off for months after that. I000t also makes sense why Cervical Dystonia is considered a rare disorder with only 200,000 people in the US having it in 2006 as stated in literature but as of recent count over a million have it and it is not so rare anymore. In fact I know about 10 people just in a 10 mile radius of my house.


  3. Sounds very similar to what I developed from oral steroids. It’s called Avascular Necrosis. The veins that supply blood to your joints die so your joint dyes. The only real fix is a replacement joint. But it also affects the bones too. The literally deteriorate. There is no cure, no real known reason why this happens and no specialist. It’s a hit or miss finding doctors that have any real knowledge of this disease. It is rare but there is definitely enough of us affected. I’ve had both hips and shoulders replaced and it’s now in my talas. The steroids also gave me Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Cushing’s syndrome, cataracts and thinned out skin which makes me bruise and bleed easily. Other causes of AVN are chemo, autoimmune disease, alcohol, and others. Steroids seem to be the major cause though. I can no longer take oral steroids. Even though I haven’t had oral steroids in a few years, the disease will keep going and can attack more joints. It can even attack your jaw. I’ve had people on a support group site tell me every major joint has to be replaced or fused…even her jaw. That is 13 joints all together. There is currently no research being done on AVN and there needs to be. I’m in constant pain and have to rely on tw different kind of strong narcotics to help control it so I can at least lead a semi normal life. There is some days though that the pain just over rides the meds and it’s so tough to just get out of bed. I’m on disability and limited to most activities I use to do. My quality of life is not the best and it has really made my anxiety/depression 100 times worse. Thank goodness for the support group. We understand each other and know how bad the pain is and sympathize. I have made some very good friends. I’m sure there are many more severe diseases caused by medication. No doctor or pharmacist ever told me this could happen. It is not even a warning or this disease printed on the prescription. That definitely needs to change


    1. I am you! Massive steroids in my early 30’s for what was thought to be rheumatoid arthritis. Both hips replaced in 2007 and have had chronic pain and joint , muscle pain ever since. No one understands this, really, even my rheumatologist still gives me Kenalog when I’m nearly immobile, but it’s not getting better.
      Docs think you are a druggie looking for pills – sometimes I cry myself to sleep in pain.
      How do you manage?


    2. I had rotator cuff surgery, then when it didn’t heal, the dr realized the joint and bone had died from lack of blood to the bone and It was super rare. Avascular Necrosis. Also my vision has taken a downward plunge, oh my goodness! This is all related!! Also my knees, hips, and other shoulder are all acting up! This is a mega puzzle piece answer that God has orchestrated on my behalf! I’m so grateful for this thread . The Lord is using this blog, keep it up!


  4. I took Cipro for different infections I had while going through chemo for breast cancer. I have also taken 2 of the other antibiotics. I had to have my achilles tendon operated on because of severe tendonitis. Also suffering from spinal stenosis and degenerative disk disease and mixed connective tissue disease. I do not find this to be a coincidence. Thankyou so much for shining a light on this. I will speak to my doctors about these findings.


    1. Absolutely. These are the ones my Dad used to call “Acid Strippers”, and they should be a last resort at end of life, not regularly prescribed medications.
      I was on them once for a very short period of time years ago, and I still have some left in my dresser drawer b/c of what they did to me.
      They are also hallucinogenics, but do severe damage to other parts of the body.
      Quinolones. Very bad things, very bad. Never take them.
      Today I am dealing w/connective tissue issues in my sternum, to which many other things are connected. Ya, life can be hell sometimes, and if U’r Dr. tells U that U have to take them?
      Find another Dr. They know about the dangers of these far better than we do. There’s no excuse.


  5. I was floxed several years ago and although not to the extent that you were (my heart goes out to you), it was one of the lowest points of my life. I am almost back to normal now thanks in part to my chiropractor who recognized what was happening to my muscles and tendons. I try now to make people aware of what this class of poisons can do to your body. I wouldn’t wish the pain I went through on my worst enemy. They are WAY overprescribed. The scariest one was just recently when my husband fractured his big toe. The ortho he went to prescribed it for a “possible” though not confirmed infection! Unbelievable. Keep on educating and I wish you well with your upcoming book. I will definitely be buying it. God bless!


  6. What is a safer alternative to cipro or levaquin when I am fighting painful prostatitis? The infection gets so painful, sometimes I have to roll out of bed to try to stand up.


    1. I’m sorry Gene, I am not a doctor. I can tell you that FLouroquinolones are only one class of antibiotic. There are other antibiotic families your doctor may be able to choose from. Just talk to your doctor and tell him you want an alternative to Flouroquinolones.


    2. Colloidal silver. I beat MRSA by injecting small amounts of silver into each wound. Painful, but it was the only thing that worked.


    3. Gene, I have learned to fight most any infection I have with echinacea herb. If you read about it online you will find many who say it doesn’t work,but it does for me. You have to get a good quality of echinacea, not something from a grocery store or big box discount store. Buy it at a health food store and take about a teaspoon (comes in capsules, four-six equal a teaspoon) every two hours (when awake, don’t waken to take it) for the first twenty-four hours. You will learn how much it takes for your body as you use it. I buy mine in bulk, not in capsules,at mountainroseherbsdotcom. Their herbs are highest quality, organic. I keep it on hand for anything that ails me. Another place to find high quality natural remedies that have worked for me is plantcuresdotcom. I have no medical training but have learned to treat whatever may befall me naturally because I can’t take pharmas. If I get a infected finger I soak in epsom salts plus take echinacea herb.


      1. Moderation, This is not for posting. I just posted and would prefer to have my last name removed, please. Guess you can tell which comment it is by my email address. Thank you!


  7. I am so sorry that you’ve had to endure all of this. I myself have seen what Leviquin is capable of. My grandmother who passed away in September of 2006 suffered from the use of Leviquin. The first time she was on the tablets and they semi paralyzed her. She was admitted to Piedmont in Atlanta to have a pacemaker put in, and I told them at that time not to give her Leviquin that it had negative effects on her. I ran out to grab a bite to eat and when I returned they had her hooked up to Leviquin intravenously. I was furious and demanded that they remove it, but I was to late she was paralyzed in her legs. It took her many months to regain the use of her legs, but she was never the same after that. Please everyone take heed to this warning Leviquin and it’s derivatives are bad news.


  8. Wow! I had severe reactions to Levaquin and another antibiotic for infections. Long story I’ll spare you but I knew in my own heart of hearts that my declining health was a result of the last antibiotic I took (later another Doctor told me the prescribed antibiotic was totally unnecessary for the kind of infection I had, too strong of an antibiotic! I need to scour my records for the name of that one!

    Thank you for sharing!


  9. I’m so sorry to hear about all of this! Have you tried Naturopath MD or Nutritionist? You can possibly try detox system to see if any improvements? It’s worth a try! There is a great podcast that features some great Naturopaths and Nutritionists called Live to 110 . I will be sharing this info! I had a patient have horrible effects to Levaquin twice! Thank for for speaking out!! Hope you get some help!!


  10. I’m so sorry this happened to you. So much prescribed these days that does not seem necessary or begets the need for another due to side-effects. I will say, I feel like with my trusted doctors, that is not the case. They are frugal with prescribing, Amazing how much homeopathy and food (raw milk) can be illegal and those are not.


    1. That is a great question for a doctor or someone in the medical field, not someone who writes a blog (no offense). She is telling her story but people please talk with your doctor or pharmacist about medications. Also, amoxicilin is part of the penicillin family.


  11. I took foloxin for 30 days about 20 years and it about did me in. I was feeling like I was crazy and I had this strange melting sensation behind my eyes and it was a very weird experience. I didn’t get better until I stopped taking it without my doctors knowledge. Now I just tell them I am allergic to these antibiotics. Never again. 60 minutes did a show on it around that time and after that it made sense. It’s so scary.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. So sorry to hear about your health. I am happy to know you are improving. Your story caught my attention because in June of 2013 I was on Citroen for a UTI. I had been on Capri several times before and it worked well for me. That last round in 2013 caused my joints to seize up. I couldn’t tie my shoes, use a knife, etc. I immediately discontinued the use of it and I regained mobility in a matter of weeks. However, in Nov 2014, I ruptured my plantar fascia tendon. After 8 weeks it healed. In Dec 2016 I had surgery for. Torn ligament and torn posterior tibial tendon in my foot. I am curious now if these tears are due to prolonged use of cipro.


  13. Thank you so much for sharing your story! Knowledge is power, even if it’s after the fact. I would do anything to turn back the hands of time to 6 yrs ago… After having my 6th crainiotomy from brain tumors, I developed a rare infection within the right frontal scalp. I was given 6 weeks IV Cipro, Vancomycin and Gentamycin. Hindsight, I wish I had taken notice of the sheet of paper buried within the mound of paperwork I was given while being discharged from the hospital that explained the horrific warning side effects! 4 weeks into treatment, my world literally turned upside down! I couldn’t talk 2 feet without going sideways and my vision was like footage from aGoPro camera. I reported these symptoms to my Dr but he had no clue what was causing them. So, for the next 7 days, I continued to follow instructions and self administrator these poisons into my body. When the symptoms continued to worsen, my husband rushed me to the ER, desperate for answers. After 2 days and a series of test, it was determined I had severe Vestibular Oscylopsia. Apparently, the Cipro was shutting down my kidneys which built up toxic levels of the Gentamycin. It destroyed both inner ears and the vestibular nerve going to my brain. Thank God, I didn’t lose my hearing but the inner ear is what allows you to maintain balance. Not having a clue as to what this was or what it meant, we didn’t even know where to begin with questions. To this day, the only words I remember were, “severe and permanent”!! I was/am the mom of 3 beautiful boys and in the blink of an eye, I couldn’t even drive them to school….ever again! After a 4 month long pity party that no one but myself was invited to, I began to find a new way of life. It’s an internal battle that I struggle with every day. There are no missing limbs, scars, open wounds, etc so for the naked eye, there’s nothing wrong with me. I have grown stronger and accomplished more than I ever dreamed possible and try to focus on the things I have learned to do instead of the things I’ll never be able to do again. Every single day, I try to do one thing that I didn’t do the day before. Thank you so much for being a “loud mouth” and shouting for all of us that just didn’t know!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. On June 3 of 2010 I went to the doctor because I had the start of a uti . I told doctor that I knew it was Uti but wasn’t really bad yet . Wanted to catch it early. He prescribed cipro which I later learned was one of the heaviest duty meds u can give a person.

      About 30 minutes into taking one pill I started to feel an achy pain going up my back. I was watching tv with my husband on the couch and I started moving trying to get comfortable . Had him rub my back . Pain kept climbing. By this time I was having pain in shoulders and I couldn’t catch my breath . I was starting to feel sick . I said I wonder if it was the cipro I took. My husband looks it up online only to read the horrendous side effects and how this antibiotic shouldn’t even be prescribed . The reviews he was reading got me panicked . I got up to walk and the back of my legs were very weak. Almost like my muscles were no longer supporting me. I had to shuffle to walk. This is after ONE CIPRO pill. I am crying in pain and so scared I am going to die. Could it get worse as symptoms were. It subsiding.

      I told my husband I was done taking the medication. No way was I taking another pill. I immediately reached now out to a girlfriend to tell her what was going on as she was into alternative natural healing. She came over with a massage table and worked on me with something called Bowen Therapy. It helps detox the negative toxins from your body by getting energy flowing through specific manipulation pressure points. I could barely move and my breathing was very labored. She got my breathing under control in two minutes.

      Look up Bowen online. I needed her treatments every other day and eventually was able to space them out. My muscle weakness lasted for about 8 months and the asthma continued for over a year. But reading how severe it could have been and for a lifetime or even could’ve killed me I was so relieved I stopped the medication. I noticed what was happening instantly and even when my doctor called a few days later and I told him I was off the meds and seeking chiropractor care with their UTI supplements which took away the pain of UTI, they insisted I start another antibiotic. Absolutely NOT!!! I would only be seeking natural treatments here on out . It is up to us to pay attention to our body and if something just doesn’t feel right we must do what is best for us.

      Cipro forever changed how I take care of myself and my family when illness comes to us. I had to go to a chiropractor for 2-3 years as I would be out of place quite often. I had never sought out chiropractic care until the drug reaction.

      I am so sorry to here about how severe your journey has been. You are definitely a voice who needed to share the negative side effects of these antibiotics and stress how we MUST PAY ATTENTION TO DRUGS AND THE SIDE EFFECTS. DONT KEEP TAKING IF YOUR BODY IS GETTING WORSE. Don’t need to wait for a rash to know u are allergic to a drug. Sometimes the internal side effects are all you need to know that you MUST STOP!!!

      But do seek out BOWEN THERAPY as it has helped many with all sorts of ailments, asthma, injuries, loss of movement when it comes to range of motion. It worked better for me than a massage and can help when Physical Therapy can’t. Everybody is different but I was desperate and was so so thankful for all those that lead me to natural remedies.

      Prayers, strength, and Gods healing hands are on you through your journey. Pray that you are the miracle that repairs your body with gods loving energy. See yourself whole and complete and bring that feeling to you now. Don’t give up.


  14. Amy, are there any lawsuits going on involving damage from Cipro & Levaquin. I had serious sinus infections over 10 years ago and took a lot of Levaquin and Cipro. I have been diagnosed with connective tissue disorder in the past. What caught my attention in your blog was degenerative disk disease. I have had 4 fusions in my low back and one fusion in my neck. I also have arthritis. I am now suffering from the last fusion I had a year ago that has caused spasms up my back to shoulder blades which is finally disabled me from doing much. I can only be up and active for 20 minutes then I have to sit down and rest to ease the pain. I have tried a stimulator, accupuncture, epidurals, and water aerobics, but nothing has helped.


  15. Hi,
    I am sorry you have endured this suffering and pray God continues to heal you.
    I was floxxed by cipro for a UTI five years ago this April. The news of your recovery is encourages me, and I will be sure to look for your book!



    1. I would talk to your doctor about your concerns. There are alternatives but only you and your doctor know your allergies and what type of infection needs to be treated. I have just told them my history with Flouroquinolones and they usually understand. I do still go to the FDA website and type in whatever medication I’ve been given so that I can be sure it isn’t a Flouroquinolone.


    2. along, I used to take antibiotics for many different things. I have done a lot of research online and have learned there are natural ways to treat everything I used antibiotics for before if I jump right on it before the infection gets too bad. I often would get strep throat and now at the slightest sign of it I begin gargling with liquid oxygen (in water) and take echinacea herb. Knocks it right out. High quality echinacea is powerful for me and I use it often in place of antibiotics. There are other alternatives if that doesn’t work for you. Research online.

      The reason I’ve resorted to natural methods is because I’ve had some very difficult results from using pharmaceuticals. Thankfully, none of them has been permanent but I suffered greatly for a year as I recovered. If I had to take an antibiotic now I’d take amoxicillin.


    3. I’ve used Colloidal silver to wipe our strep and a UTI. It’s controversial so worth doing your research, but it’s worked for me!! (12 years ago doctors prescribed me 3 rounds of different antibiotics to get bronchitis under control and shortly after I developed ulcerative colitis. Haven’t taken antibiotics since)


  16. In the last 10 years, being allergic to penicillin and also getting frequent UTIs, I have been given these drugs several times. Also in the last 10 years, I wipe up a spill on the floor and the tendons in my fingers tore, I bumped against the shower door and tore the ligment in my elbow, the the Dr. told me was impossible because only professional ball players tear that. Guess what, after a year in pain, I insisted on an MRI. It was torn, not once but twice. That Dr. felt like he should have….like a piece of arrogant shit. Next came the left Achilles tendon. In between all of these I have the diagnosis of degenerative disk disease in my back. I am in constant pain, because if they fix one, the next one disintegrates too. After 4 back surgeries, the Dr. said ” no more.” So now I see a chronic pain Dr. This last summer I have a spill on my carpet. While wiping it up, I tore the tendons in two of my fingers on my right hand. Great, these fingers will never be straight again. It is pain yet today. Then came the day I stepped in the garage and felt that right Achilles tendon go pop. Just as she has talked about, you never forget that feeling. So, more surgeries and casts. Now the Dr. is telling me this “NEWS” about the antibiotics I have been given for many years. I was just amazed to read all about your problems, the same ones I have. I have been on Social Security Disability for 16 years. NOW Social Security doesn’t think I am medically not able to work. Ever walk along and feel the disks in your back crushing because the tendons and ligaments that are supposed to keep them straight aren’t there anymore? Yeah, I didn’t think so . Not many people have. But leave it to Social Security to make that decision. I was so relieved last winter when my Dr. told me the news about these drugs. At least now I had a reason for feeling so badly. I have had the depression side of it. There are days I have to force myself out of bed from the pain and depression. I don’t talk about it often, people get sick and tired of hearing about how sick and tired you feel. Thank you for giving this atrocity a public forum and I can’t wait for your book.


  17. Levaquin is the antibiotic that my 18 year old son took back in Feb and it almost killed him! 1 pill, just 1 pill and he went into anaphylactic shock and it almost killed him! I am kicking myself in the rear because I gave him that pill!!! He is still having repercussions from it! Worsening depression, chronic bronchitis, coughing up blood! My mom had a reaction to Levaquin, I’ve had a reaction to Cipro (same family, quinolones) and now My son! Yes I questioned the ER doctor about the Levaquin and I even called his pediatrician before we left the hospital and was told that’s what he needed and they give it out all the time. My gut told me not to give it to him but I pushed it away. All I could do was watch in horror and pray, because 10 minutes adter he took it he was beat red, had hives, face and lips were swelling , his tongue was swelling and his throat was closing shut. My baby couldn’t breathe! All because the ER said he had pneumonia and had to have this particular antibiotic. He was rushed by ambulance to a different ER than he was at earlier in he day, treated and given another X-ray that did NOT show any pneumonia. We prayed over him the whole way there and the whole time in the ER. He was admitted as he kept rebounding. We took the news of no pneumonia as a healing from God. So the issues he keeps having, we will place with God and let Him heal him. Thank you for your warning and your testimony! Please pray for him. Thank you!


  18. I have taken Levoflaxin.Wish I never did I told my Husband if anything happens to me it’s from taking Levoflaxin.I cannot barely lift myself from a squatting position,it takes everything I have to get up.Was not like this prior to taking Levoflaxin.There has to be some sort of class action lawsuit against this drug.Need to do something fast.


  19. I pray that everyone heads your warning. I was prescribed Levoquin after a total knee replacement. After I started running a low grade fever, my doctor thought that I might be getting an infection. I was not warned or prepared for the paranoia, panic, fear and phychotic reaction that began after 3 doses. I terrified my family and came very close to harming myself. I will never be the same person, I still have lingering panic and fear and I work hard every day to stay on top of the permanent neurochemical imbalance and damage I suffered from taking Levoquin.


  20. I had an anaphalic reaction to avelox and nearly died. Thank God I was close to an ER. Be extremely careful with this drug never had an allergic reaction to anything until that.


  21. It’s very brave of you to share your story of injury from a pharmaceutical. Not an easy thing to do in our culture. Thank you for posting the many articles along with your story. It will take some time but I’ll definitely check them out. I look forward to reading your book. 🙂


  22. Not disagreeing on the drug dangers but for this woman to say that her god allowed this is ridiculous. Why would you believe in a cruel god like that. Glad I am an atheist and don’t have to deal with imaginary friends doing this to me….boy howdy!


  23. I also have spent 20 years in the medical field, a nurse.. I have lengthy experience in clinic, long term care and surgery. Many medications have adverse effects on the body and tissues. I absolutely amazing saddened by the long term problems you are having to endure. I do take some offense to the pitch for mito-q. If you do the research you will find the product out there that is backed by 7700 pear group studies on oxidative stress is protandem. Google it, check the facts… endorsed by Mayo , Colorado School of Medicine, American Heart association, Harvard School of Medicine as well as 99% of the medical community world wide… good luck with your recovery young lady..God bless


  24. Thank you Amy for your big mouth and I am so sorry it has had to be this way for you… I hope you are feeling comfortable right now.
    I got prescribed this a couple of weeks ago, (doc said any other antibiotic wouldn’t be strong enough, and gave huge dose)
    and something said, no, I’ve got to try something else, even though my symptoms were scary excruciating and unusual. The box sat unopened and I went crazy with everything I could think of:
    Raw garlic cloves, (chopped up mixed with coconut oil on oatcake at least twice a day) citricidal and lemon juice,, ledum homeopathic (had infection from biopsy on face and raging headache, i.e. Puncture wounds) colloidal silver, strong thyme and oregano tea, mega strong probiotics to offset citricidal and silver water.
    Within 2 days my health turned around.
    Natural remedies are no joke, they are POWERFUL – need to take them in setious amounts for serious issues.
    It really gave me confidence seeing them work like that.
    And yes we need plenty confidence to be proactive, amid the enormous tide of being told to be passive and helpless.
    Take care, 🙂


  25. I also have spent 20 years in the medical field, a nurse.. I have lengthy experience in clinic, long term care and surgery. Many medications have adverse effects on the body and tissues. I absolutely am saddened by the long term problems you are having to endure. I do take some offense to the pitch for mito-q. If you do the research you will find the product out there that is backed by 7700 peer group studies on oxidative stress is protandem. Google it, check the facts… endorsed by Mayo , Colorado School of Medicine, American Heart association, Harvard School of Medicine as well as 99% of the medical community world wide… good luck with your recovery young lady..God bless


  26. Hey. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Just wanted to add my vote of confidence: my vet just killed my dog with metronidazole, another antibiotic, and I’ve been a convert about not blindly trusting doctors since then. God damn…it sure cleared up Waffle’s diarrhea, but I would have preferred she not become paralyzed in the process.

    I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but after having to put my dog down, I can kind of see where those people are coming from, too. Eugh, can’t believe I just typed that. Anyway, you can be sure I will spread this information.


  27. I am 41 and started taking this about 7 or 8 years ago for recurrent kidney infections. Today, I can’t even enjoy a relaxing walk in the grass or the feeling of sand between my toes. I have peripheral neuropathy. And it’s miserable.


  28. Thank you for this brave article. I am looking forward to your book. Myself and a dear friend are also suffering due to antibiotics. It’s been since 2012 for both of us. Although we both are experiencing different symptoms, it has been life changing for us both. I am looking forward to reading your book and finding hope in it’s pages. Blessings


  29. My husband took Levaquin twice the second round of it shredded his Achilles tendon he had to have surgery and it was over a year before he could walk again but up until he passed away just this January he still had pain in his ankle. Pain in the other ankle was getting stronger but by that time he could not leave the house to go to a doctor he was bedridden. I suggest everybody stay away from it.


    1. P.S. there are so many lawsuits against the Levaquin company at this time but none for the joint or tendons as of yet.


  30. I was given Cipro for a UTI last year as I was all my previous ones, after a little but I was diagnosed with C-Diff which my Dr. gave me Cipro again… this landed me a nice 7day stay in the hospital. The C-diff was caused by the Cipro. The Drs in the hospital and my GI Dr said too much Cipro is the most common reason people get C-diff via antibiotics.

    Now I have to be super vigilant on when/what antibiotics I’m given if any at all. It’s like playing Russian Roulette with your life.


    1. I’m not sure what anti b I was on but having read this I WILL find out. Less than 24 hours after starting the med I was in the hospital in critical shape with c- diff. I almost left this world…I have said for the longest time that anti bs are way overprescribed.


    2. C-Diff can be caused by all broad spectrum antibiotics- not just quinolones. When there is a risk of C-Diff, flagyl might be given or if there is mild or moderate C-Diff. A few antibiotics exist for severe C-Diff. Cipro can’t adddress C-Diff though!!


  31. Quinolones all contain fluoride which is a deadly toxic atom and is the most electronegative element making it the most reactive element. It’s part of the de-population agenda to kill off most people on the planet and most industries are run by corrupt cronnies. Another wide-spread example is fluoride which is intentionally put in to all major brands of tooth paste and it rots teeth. Before anyone decides to dismiss these well known facts remember that there are multi-billion dollar corporations such as Google and Microsoft (and many lesser known though still exceptionally large corporations) that existing solely or in great part because of the internet.


    1. Flouride does not rot teeth, neither ingested systemically nor topically. Yes everything is toxic in certain concentrations or amounts, including flouride and even water, that is why there are recommended amounts.


  32. I had a breast infection that didn’t respond to any antibiotics my doc tried. My breast ended up red and hot. The skin looked like orange peel. Then they gave me levaquin. It cleared my infection and I was sent to a surgeon for a consult on the underlying problem. The surgeon was unwilling to fix the problem until ha saw the infection and took me off the antibiotic. My breast became just as infected but then he wouldn’t do surgery until the infection was under control. It ended up that I was on Levequin for more than eight months before surgery. He gave it to me, by IV, during surgery and sent me home with another prescription. That’s when the purple rash came. I was told not to take any antibiotics in the quinolone family. I haven’t since. No doctor ever warned me of possible side effects. Not one. That’s just wrong.


  33. I took Levaquin for a year in 1999 and have neuropathy in both feet and up to my knees on both legs. I did not have this problem until I took this antibiotic. I have Crohns disease and in 1999 my doctor had read a study on this antibiotic helping to alleviate the inflammation in the intestines. He decided to try this before having surgery, but I ended up having surgery in Jan. 2000 anyway. I was still taking Levaquin at this time but went off of it in Feb. or Mar. 2000. After this, I started having numbness in my feet and couldn’t stand for very long because my feet felt like they were on fire, and was diagnosed with neuropathy. I recently read that Levaquin caused neuropathy. I have also had a hip replacement and a knee replacement and looking to have my other knee replaced. I feel that Levaquin caused this.


    1. Phyllis,
      I have been dealing with Levaquin,Cipro & Gemifloxin poisoning for 27 years. Formally triathlete. A product called Get B-12 sublingual spray from Holistic Heal has virtually stopped the peripheral neuropathy. It is HYDROXY & ADENOSOL cobalamin. DNA damage cause by FQs make me need this specific one for absorption. Also necessary to avoid brain fog. I take it whenever it comes back.
      Sever fibromyalgia & CFS & multiple chemical sensitivity ; now because of compromised immune system & living in woods I have LYME with BABESIA which is kicking my butt.
      However I can STILL walk my little Jack Russell every day because of KRATOM which I discovered end of 2015. After 20 surgeries in last 10 years I was at bottom & too much pain to get up. This herb [] has been around for decades, comes from leaves of tree in SE Asia and costs less than $1 a day if you buy it in bulk. Premium Green Bali is best for pain; I put it in capsules as it tastes terrible. Despite what the DEA & FDA would have you believe ; I have been on it for 18 months & have never had ANY side effects or euphoria[high] nor have I become addicted needing more & more. It just melts away the pain [takes 45 minutes to digest] & one teaspoon lasts for 4-6 hrs. Still legal in 46 states but Big Pharma has managed to isolate the active ingredients in the plant & wants to market it as a drug ENHANCED WITH FLUORIDE; SO POWERS THAT BE ARE TRYING TO MAKE IT ILLEGAL. The American Kratom Association is fighting this & needs our support.


  34. I too have had life altering effects from Levaquin, not as severe as yours, but I have been suffering for 4 years. I DO tell everyone I know not to take these drugs. At least they now put warnings on the labels. I was given this as a patient in the Cleveland clinic, and they sure don’t tell you about possible side effects. I was the one to look it up on good old Google, and the nurses and doctors looked at me like I had two heads. They took me off the drugs, but it was too late, the damage had been done. I’m glad your faith has helped you through this journey. Mine has helped me through this and so much more. Good luck and God bless.


  35. I take Cipro everyday! I have Lupus and it was given to me as a preventative antibodic I’ve been on it for almost 3 years… I’m freaking out!


    1. Dawn, it sounds like what you have is fluoroquinolone toxicity and that the cipro is the problem. Most of us were misdiagnosed with fibro or lupus or ALS or Parkinson’s or any of a hundred other wrong things. This drug is from a class normally used for chemo! Please join Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Group on facebook for info and support! Watch for screening messages from the hard working admins.


    1. Augmentin is not one of the quinolones…it is amoxicillin and potassium clavulante. Be careful with it if you are allergic to the penicillins, or amoxicillin itself


  36. Thank you for sharing this article. I am (was) currently on cipro for an ear infection since Friday. Saturday afternoon my Achilles tendon started hurting badly. Last night I could barely walk because of the pain. I will be going to my chiropractor tomorrow about this and see what he recommends doing. I don’t trust Dr’s and after this I trust them even less now. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.


    1. So I went to my Chiropractor after posting this, and my Achilles tendon has two tears in it right now he said. He has it all taped up and I have been going in every 3 days to get ultrasound therapy done and have it re-taped. He said that it could still rupture so I have to take it easy until it’s healed. I’m scared because I don’t want it rupturing because I don’t want to go through all that pain, surgery and healing process. Why do Drs still use this when they know it causes problems??I took 4 pills and this is the results that I have. I had symptoms right away but didn’t connect the two until reading your blog on March 20th. I have shared this so others can read it and also share it with their friends too.


  37. Thank you for sharing, this happened to someone in my life, too. It was scary because she was in pain in her hips, back, neck and shoulders. Herdoctor gave her the antibiotic Ciprol after a colonscopy because they had to cut tissue for biopsies. Afte I read the side effects, I told her right away to stop taking those pills. It was so scary. I hope your condition improves!


  38. Same thing happened to me 4 years ago. Strong, fit 34 yr old man, 7 days on Levaquin and I couldn’t even stand up. Achilles were trashed as were my knees, and shoulders, and wrists. Terrible peripheral neuropathy, circulation problems in my legs (they would turn purple and freezing cold all the time), irregular heart beat, anxiety, etc. I Saw more docs than I could count and spent 4 months seeing “specialists” and giving gallons of blood at the Cleveland Clinic. No answers.

    I dug into research myself and found the damage to the mitoDNA to be the main underlying issue as you stated. Anyway I am back to 90% of the old me today and still improving. I attribute the recovery to a few things.

    1. God. Prayed a lot and brought him back into my life. I even got baptized again.
    2. Time. It took a long time, but slowly things did improve.
    3. Exercise. While this seemed impossible for quite some time I willed myself to just do whatever I was capable of. Stretching, yoga, stationary bike, etc. now I am back to heavy lifting and stair climbing.
    4. I found a supplement called ATP Fuel. Most sites won’t sell it without a dr referral, but the Cleveland clinic wellness site will. It has ingredients like NT Factor that supposedly actually do repair damaged mitochondrial DNA. I don’t make money by saying that, I’m just passing along what I think helped and what I wish I would have found much earlier on in my recovery.

    If anyone dealing with this hell that sees this, just know there is hope. It may be a long road, but being you again is possible.

    PS. One common thread among most people that get affected badly by these are that almost all have one of the MTHFR gene mutations. They are very common and when they express in your body, your body does not methylate (expel toxins) properly. There are certain supplements you can take to help this such as the already methylated form of folate. Anyway check into that as well. There is a simple blood test for it.


  39. I read your whole article, and will read through your suggested reading links. I’m curious if there is any PROOF that those drugs were specifically implicated in your issues? Or, are you just linking the new warnings to what has happened to you. ? Not doubting you, many people have Achilles tendon issues without the help of the drugs. 2) In your upcoming book will you tell about all the surgeries and specific issues you have had.?
    thank-you,for your readable article as I had previous not read through info I saw regarding Levaquin, as it worked so well for my health problem, I was in partial denial.


    1. Lynn, in my book I will share how I fell apart, how I was actually diagnosed as having side effects of Flouroquinolones by my doctors and surgeons, and how God got me through it. I was actually diagnosed as having this problem. I have my medical records and the notes from the first visit where they wrote it as the cause of my physical breakdown. They are also uploaded to the world wide web so I don’t lose them.


      1. I have reason to listen to you. I’ve had 14 operations. Double hernia( and have several more than need surgery ), both knees replaced, shoulder-right arm only partially usable- 2 tendon were irreparable , 3 back surgeries, neck surgery, Seems my muscles and tendons tear very easily. Most recent my Achilles tore off the muscle in my calf, not from the heal like most. I have loss of feeling in my hands, and feet. I have no joints left in both my thumbs . I have taken a lot of these drugs, for pneumonia and for diverticulitis. I was wondering if 1) neurological damage to swallowing reflex and peristalsis has been investigated. 2) retinal vasculitis is connected to it as well.
        Most of my “symptoms” have been blamed on prednisone.


  40. Dr Colbert–the famous one –works with a hospital that detoxs people from just such things like antibiotics
    —Seventh Day Adventist–it may help—

    Once I had to take a muscle relaxant for a neck injury–prescribed three times a day. Thank God I was dressed for bed before I took the second pill as I passed out over the bed and slept for 12 hours. My children were just finishing supper that night. My brother was living with us at the time or it could have been really bad.


  41. Hi thanks for this article! I live in peru and we deal with salomonella and typhoid a lot. Almost all doctors send tourist here with a. Round of cipro “just in case.” I even have it recommended on my blog For emergencies while trekking. I will change that. Do you
    Know if bactrine is the same? And we deal with parasites. I Think Nitazoxanide is used a lot. Anyway would love to know if you have any comments on that.

    Really sorry about your situation. Thanks for sharing and be strong.


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