This time it’s viral

I have been stunned and laughing intermittently all day. I have also had tears. So many people like myself who have been dealing with the side effects of  Flouroquinolone antibiotics.

Family Profile PictureI suppose I should introduce myself. Facebook knows me as “Amy Amy Bo Bamy.” If I could have imagined I would go viral I might have chosen a different profile name…but then again maybe not. It’s kind of entertaining to see a portion of my life’s story labeled with that title. Along that thought, I probably would have selected a picture of myself with makeup on and not in a post surgical daze for the blog post that would be seen by millions. That’s better than even the Facebook name. That’s a huge deal more humerous than running into someone you know at the grocery store while you are wearing pajama pants and no makeup.

My name is Amy Moser. I’m a wife and a mother of 3. I have been sharing my story every chance I get. I wrote a book that details this journey. It’s called “The Magnificent Story of a Lame Author.” I will talk about how I physically dismantled after taking Cipro in 2010. I’ll talk about how I was diagnosed as this being the culprit. I’ll talk about some of the obstacles our family has faced. Most importantly, I’ll talk about how God has never left me alone and how He has blessed us and granted miracles. This book should be coming out from my publisher within the next 6 to 8 weeks. I will announce when it is available to purchase.

I am not an expert. I’m not a doctor. I’m a patient who has had to learn a great deal medically due to various problems and treatments. I’m a self made researcher who made it her mission to learn as much as possible about Flouroquinolone antibiotics, the effects on the body, and the possible prognosis. I only have the research they have already published.  It just happens to be stored like a frequently used file in my brain. I have no new innovations or cures. I’ve had the last 7 years to do this. I can’t give medical advise, but I can shine a big fat blinding light on an FDA warning that already exists, and tell people why they should pay attention to it. Like I told a few already, I’m WARNING about a WARNING that WARNS.

I have been frantically trying to respond to emails and blog comments whenever I can. I realize I won’t be able to respond to every one, but I do read them all. Tonight the last time I looked, the number of views to my blog post alone is 1 million 8 hundred 45 thousand 7 hundred and 91. I know I wrote that out obnoxiously but I wanted to let it sink in. It’s completely surreal. I never dreamed this would be possible and it brings me to relieved tears. The warning is out there and it’s spreading. If I feel like I can answer a question I will. I will say that my heart breaks for so many of you. I identify with your struggles and my heart goes out to you. I will pray for you and please please don’t lose hope. We have to keep telling our stories, telling our doctors, friends, family and anyone who wants to listen. I’m doing my best to respond, but it’s beginning to look like someone who doesn’t run in a full sprint on a treadmill that is accelerating at a pace they can’t match. My phone is blinging with so many notifications that it sounds like it’s playing a new hit song on repeat. I had so many emails that I thought I was going to have to abandon my email address. It’s awesome, but I’m a stay at home mom frantically typing on her laptop after getting her kiddos secured in bed for the 14th time in the same night. You parents know what I’m talking about. If anyone has any suggestions for that little problemo…I’m open. I’ve tried everything that is legal and acceptable.

You guys are fantastic for sharing and re sharing and getting this information out there. I was just sent a news story that is covering my blog going viral. If you want to read that, you can find it here

I will try to answer a few of my most repeated questions from the last blog post.

Yes, I was officially labeled by my doctors as having been affected adversely by Flouroquinolone exposure.

I do not have Ehlers Danlos. I was evaluated by 3 different specialists and I did not have any genetic markers present for it.

I am NOT against modern medicine. I am actually a huge fan. I would be a blob of goo with bones and a tuft of hair in it if they hadn’t pieced my joints and spine back together. I still take antibiotics but I just personally refuse Flouroquinolones like I would refuse rat poison. I still take antibiotics from other drug families. I do still think Flouroquinolones have an appropriate place. I agree with the FDA’s warning. They should be at the back of the line as last resort antibiotics and not first round course of treatment.

I am doing better but I attribute that mainly to God and a group of stellar medical professionals.

I can’t give medical advice.

Flouroquinolone antibiotics go by many many names. You always have to check what you are taking to find out what family of antibiotic you are being prescribed.

Hopefully this helps a bit.

Thank you each so much for your comments, stories of your own struggles, shares, prayers and encouragement. It was only a week ago that I was just a loud mouth momma and wife, debating whether to share a piece of my story on my little blog. I am so glad I did and I pray my story helps bring you hope. Please feel free to read my other blog posts. I will be posting again soon.


50 thoughts on “This time it’s viral

  1. Amy Moser, I am a retired USAF Pediatrician. I have prescribed Cipro & others, over a 1000 times & have never encountered complications like yours. (KNOCK ON WOOD)! Have you asked folks around you if they have had complications like yours? Mine might be anecdotal, as I have not done any study of this while in the USAF.

    Hi Luisa, I have a following of over 3000 on Facebook on my Amy Moser page about Fluoroquinolone toxicity. There are at least 10 Fluoroquinolone support pages worldwide that have over 10,000 followers. Most of these followers have had catastrophic damage from a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic. I also had physical therapy with a 13 year old girl who had multiple spontaneous tendon and ligament tears and she could no longer walk. Her pediatrician had prescribed Cipro for a UTI. My children’s pediatrician told me she never prescribes them because the research does reflect cause for concern especially in growing and developing pediatric patients. There are many resources online available if you google them. Here is a good article about prescribing practices in pediatrics.


    1. I will reply to you Doctor! Yes, hundreds of thousands & I am one of them! If you give this group of antibiotics to children you should be shot!


      1. Ms. Nicole, in your rush to judgment, did you stop to think that perhaps there might be a medically necessary reason to prescribe certain medications? Have you examined all of Dr. Barile’s case files to determine if there were other options for care that might have failed? Or did you just respond out of hatred for the physician? It is quite easy to sit in judgment behind a keyboard when you know nothing of the circumstances.


    2. Luisa,
      I do not know Amy. I came across her blog and it was on FB. I was a lucky one and in 2002 I had been prescribed CIPRO and Leavaquin for sinus related issues. Woke up out of the blue one morning and could barely move my upper body. My hands and fingers became arthritic severely to where I could not turn engine to my vehicle as way too painful, or change babies diaper. It took me a year to recover. I received a dx of RA as RF Factor in my blood was in the 60s. It gradually went down over 6-8 weeks to normal and it took a year to feel almost back to normal. I never recovered to my strong self, but close! But still off to this day. When I had surgery couple years ago my doctor prescribed me Cipro in case of infection. I had no idea my issue in 2002 was from Cipro until I popped ONE CIPRO in my mouth and suddenly I had DEJAVU. I had think strong sensation that brought me back to 2002, which prompted me to GOOGLE CIPRO and effects. There I found many peoples stories similar to mine. I will never take that family of antibiotics again. IT SHOULD BE OUTLAWED. It is shameful to even prescribe such a drug, as it destroys the bodies mitochondria. My doctor said I was very lucky, as many people are not. So that means the doctors are aware of this. Now that you are aware, do some homework on your own. The benefits do not outweigh the risks here. BIG PHARMA should go to hell. Western Medicine needs to be combined with Naturopathy. Whole Foods, Juicing, sensible clean protein. That is what you should be prescribing your patients and lots of water. Watch the supplements too, as that is just yet another form of drug. If I were a doctor, that is how I would run my practice. If the patients don’t want to heed that advice then they have nobody to blame but themselves. Can’t save everyone from their own self destructive path. Good luck to you Luisa.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hey, you made a comment about mitochondrial damage in your post. Fluoroquinolones target Topoisomerase IV which – I understand is only in bacteria. This confers its selectivity to kill bacterial cells… I looked at the sources you posted but didn’t see any articles that addressed DNA damage in humans. If you have them I’d be interested. I am sorry you had such a horrible reaction. Penicillin – the first widely used antibiotic – saved soldiers from life-threatening infections…. I don’t understand how they became – what appears to me to be – a comfort drug.


    3. I am one.. and the list is huge! the list i feel is so long and damaging that i don’t know how the FDA and Pharma.Co. have kept this from most Dr.s


    4. Please you have no idea how many lives this antibiotic has ruined! If you research you shall see. And if you search “flouroquinolone” on facebook you will find many support groups where you can read all kinds of horrifying stories….


    5. I was given these antibiotics for recurrent sinus infections in my 20’s and 30’s.My tendons in my hands and feet are falling apart in my 40’s, and the only thing my doctor has been able to determine is that it must be from taking so many fluoroquinolone antibiotics.

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    6. Luisa, I myself am a victim of Flouroquinolone toxicity as are so many who are now wrongly diagnosed with Fibro, RA, LYME, Polymyalgia Rhumatica. Etc…Etc.. These are just my diagnosis before they settled on Fibro until one of the doctor put in my medical records that it’s the side effects from Floroquinolone, he never said it, I never heard of it. I was perfectly healthy I took all five pills for a sinus infection and three weeks later I presented with a rash on my legs, and all over body aches… Well who would associate that with the antibiotic that I had taken almost a month ago???? No one. And that’s how it happens for many of us. Some are instantaneous after first pill, I myself the first time had been given a shot of CIPRO in 08 for a Bladder infection and had instant Heart racing and went to ER and was flushed on IV for what seemed like hours. Then CIPRO was added as an allergy to my medical records. Four years ago in March of 13, I was given Levifloxicin. After telling the PA I was allergic to CIPRO and she told me straight to my face this was mild, only five pills and I was desperate to get back to work at 50 years old. I have not been back to work but a few days in the beginning, as I didn’t walk for nine months and am still in pain four years later. What I am trying to tell you is the 1000’s you have prescribed CIPRO to may in fact be having side effects but present as tendon problems, heart problems, kidney problems, rashes, RA, Lyme, and many many many other things that are not even considered as side effects from these drugs. When in fact they are. This drug messes with our Mitocondria and our whole systems are screwed up. It has taken me years now to walk again, I am crippled up and in pain everyday and it’s because of these drugs, my story could be repeated on here over and over for all the people this has and is happening to every day! Please do your research and study this and be a hero for us all!!

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    7. I have only one regret in my life and it is having taken 5 Levaquin pills (3 years ago). I was healthy and active before Levaquin…loved hiking, biking and kayaking. As soon as I took those pills, I ended all of that. The drug left me with minor heart damage, liver damage, constant muscle pain/weakness, sensitive tendons, terrible fatigue and horrible insomnia. I also suffered two rotator cuff tears shortly after taking this drug (one when tossing my dog a toy and the other from putting my jacket on). The drug disrupted my endocrine system, but thankfully those issues are better now. I have worked hard to return to my most favorite activity- hiking. I can now walk a mile comfortably…anything more is a problem.
      I participated in a DNA study shortly after being “floxed” and my score for double-strand DNA breaks was in the “very high” range. These drugs damage DNA. They damage mitochondria. Damaged mitochondria lead to disease. Studies have proven that. Why aren’t doctors listening???
      The doctor who prescribed these drugs to me never believed my symptoms. In fact, he told me to continue taking the full prescription (10 pills). Thank God I followed my gut instinct and stopped taking the pills or I would be dead, for sure.
      Dr. Barile, I think many doctors just don’t connect the dots. In fact, I don’t think many patients do either because sometimes symptoms come on weeks to months after taking these drugs. I guess I was one of the “lucky ones” because my symptoms came on during day two. Shortly after taking these drugs, I saw several other doctors. NONE of them would listen or believe me. NONE of them helped me.
      I know my body. I know what happened to me.
      My problems started when I went to a doctor for help with a simple issue. I came out way sicker than I have ever been in my life and have lived my life in pain and fatigue ever since. I have not found any doctor interested in even trying to help me. Quite frankly, I don’t like or trust doctors any more.
      There are thousands of us victims of fluoroquinolone toxicity out here…probably hundreds of thousands. Go to Askapatient,com and look up Cipro and Levaquin. Read what patients have experienced. Start educating yourself.

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      1. I took Levaquin in 2010 and 7 years later …3 knee surgeries, thousands spent on diagnostic tests, pain meds., neurologists, cardiologists (I developed left bundle branch block). It all makes sense now. I’m not crazy

        Liked by 1 person

    8. Hello! I think one of the biggest factors in thinking you have never had a patient with an adverse side effect is that most people never even assume their medication could be the cause of the sudden problems…they are sick anyway…they just assume they are getting sicker! This was the case with my sister…it took her 7 years to out the pieces together and she is still recovering 7 years later. She has told many doctors since realizing the cause, but never contacted the original one who prescribed it to begin with.


    9. Luisa,
      I have known Amy all her life. Through her trails with this she and her RN father have consulted with my husband who is an MD. These side affects are becoming more & more common. Perhaps you have a good idea about doing your own research

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cipro can become living hell. I was floxed in April ’16, but it took till Sept ’16 that I started to fall apart. I don’t know how I survived. Did I see doctors/ specialists? Approx 15 or so. Almost none of them would believe me. Even though I had almost all side effects -all at once or very rapidly succeeding- that are mentioned in the prescription. The word needs to get out, doctors are lazy. The scientific proof is there. Stop overprescribing FQ’s. Millions are poisoned and damaged -possibly- for life.


    10. I am also a victim of this antibiotic. In prior years i have taken Cipro for UTIs without any problem. I was given Levaquin for bronchitis about 16 months ago and went into a full-blown toxicity affecting nearly every system – cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neurological, dermatological…the whole nine yards. I have residual neuromuscular damage which waxes and wanes. For me, the worst thing was a sense of losing myself – it made me very very sad as i happened to like myself. I am slowly coming back to the to the person i was…not physically but mentally – for that i am grateful.


    11. I too was given cipro and had severe, I mean severe, cramps in legs and stomach. Needs to be taken off market, you never know how it will effect your patient. Not worth taking the chance to have lawsuits due to damage or death. Plus having peace of mind that your patients are safe.


      1. I agree. I get very concerned for innocent Healthcare professionals who are just uninformed of the severity and permanence of the side effects these medications cause. So many physicians truly don’t know and they don’t know that the system is set up for them to take the fall when the damage occurs and that the manufacturer is protected. I can say this from experience. The lawyer we spoke to when I wanted to hold the pharmaceutical company accountable; told me that they would help me sue the doc who prescribed it to me because she should have used a Fluoroquinolone as a last resort. They felt a malpractice suit was a slam dunk, but they said the pharmaceutical manufacturer was so protected and they had so much more financial backing, that their law firm would run out of funds fighting it before the manufacturer did. We would never successfully sue them. I chose not to sue my doctor. I knew she didn’t know the damage it could cause because she’d prescribed it to me in 2010 before the FDA had even ramped up the warnings to include people under the age of 65. This is a tragedy happening to millions right under our noses and the dots aren’t being connected. We have to keep drawing those lines until something changes.


  2. Thank you for sharing your story as it was a wake up call for me and reminder of what I’d been told several years ago but had let it slip away from me and even allowed a doctor to suggest Cipro wouldn’t hurt me … when I knew different. Seven or eight years ago I took it for UTI and then for Diverticulitis and I felt it was causing a numbness in my legs and feet. One year ago I was diagnosed with another bout of Diverticulitis while waiiting for a second hip replacement and naturally I wanted to recover quickly so I took Cipro once again. went on to have the replacement but later noticed much more weakness and numbness than I’d had before but I attributed it to my surgery. I’m realizing more and more that it’s impeding my recovery. I still after one year cannot walk properly but mostly it’s due to the numbness which causes imbalance. I have no pain in my hips. Your blog brought it all back to me …. the things I’d heard before and should not have forgotten or let myself be talked out of. Thank you …. I know it won’t get better but at least I can understand it better. God Bless you so much.


  3. Hi Amy! Thank you so much for sharing your story, I’m so very sorry about the path taking antibiotics created for you, but like you, I know God made this your story for a reason. I pray that your story is heard not just by random people but people that can change the course of how antibiotics are distributed. I’m thankful to say I had a different experience with antibiotics- one that was less severe at least, but my feelings towards them are the same! I was given antibiotics for an ear infection which led to a yeast infection in my esophagus!! It wasn’t until months later that I was told by a family member that ear infections actually work themselves out over time and you don’t NEED antibiotics!! I was furious to say the least. I’m so thankful God has healed you and been with you throughout this journey, and I pray that he continues to heal you and use your story! Much love!


  4. 2015 I was prescribed levaquin for 5 months. Kept complaining to Dr. at MD Anderson that something was wrong. Couldn’t walk. Was ignored until I said I was basically done living. He said he remembered one other case, so why don’t we quit the levaquin. Almost immediate relief. Still have tendon problems in both arms. They were treating a blood disorder

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  5. Thank you Amy. Cipro killed my father in 2012; we watched his body tear apart without being able to do anything. My mother has reached out to every resource she could, but it seems that noone wants to pull this dangerous drug off the market. It just saddens me that my father’s life and others were negligible compared to the profit made by the sales of this poison.


  6. Thank you so much for sharing this. God bless you! For years I have wondered why am I having all of these problems with my spine, seems like something new is malfunctioning every six months the last two years. It makes me wonder if it all stems back to all those numerous times I was treated with cipro. I took it like Ibuprofen, I had a doctor that I would just call and say my ears hurt and he would call me in the CiproI would ask for. May God heal your body, he has given us you to spread this information, hopefully to have us keep our children and grandchildren much more educated then we were!


  7. I am so grateful for the traction! Perhaps now, the awareness will increase. Sadly, too late for my now 19 year old daughter. When the doctor asked HOW she is getting through, like you, her response was, “Faith.” The days have grown longer, darker and more painful, but it only strengthens our resolve. What a testimony. Best to you and your family. Continued prayer for all.


  8. I have neuropathy in both of my feet and degenerative discs. It literally is a living hell. But I’m not telling you something you don’t already know very well. I was on Cipro, Floxin and Levaquil. Quite the cocktail, as my Primary referred to it. My heart and prayers are with you now and I hope this brings you some peace and solace.


  9. Thank you to you and your family for sharing the story and putting up with the viral ride. I wish you continued good health and recovery. I take as few pills as I can because I’m always reminded that Dr.’s are “practicing” medicine, not perfect.


  10. Amy, I’m touched by your testimony. God has definitely been with me through 6 surgeries to piece my tendons back together as they fall apart. I still have at least 1 or 2 more to go, and my doctor is afraid to keep repairing the tendons in my feet. I recently started researching integrative medicine and alternative treatments to reverse the damage, and a key factor seems to be supplementing with glutathione. I made an appointment with an integrative doctor to talk about it to see if she can help me, and I truly believe that God has led me down this path. I’ve read and heard many good things about glutathione, so I am hopeful for the first time in several years.


  11. You are an inspiration! Thank you for so eloquently telling your story and explaining why fluoroquinolones are dangerous!


  12. Congratulations for going viral on your story warning everybody about the dangers of antibiotics. I’m sure you wish your newfound fame could have come at a much, much lesser price, but I’m also sure you know how much good you’re doing for the people who read your story and take heed. Thank you! I wish you well.


  13. Hi Amy I had Cipro for six months for salmonella poisoning and since then I have had two spinal surgeries a shoulder replacement knee surgery many problems . What due we du. Now??


  14. My friend sent me this blog yesterday and I couldnt believe it! This is the first time I have heard this happen to anyone but me. I also woke up one morning 3 years ago and could barely move. The tendons on my left ankle, knee and wrist were swollen and extremely painful. It hurt so bad just to get up and walk to the bathroom. The next morning both sides of my body had bulging tendons. I immediately thought I had rheumatoid arthritius or Lupus and after a long time of seeing doctors, specialists, blood panels and my own research I realized it was from an antibiotic eye drop called ciprofloxacin I had used for an eye infection. This form of cipro has NO black box warning and the doctors said it could not be caused from this because the eye drop form is not strong enough. They also could not explain my bulging tendons and crippling pain. So I challenged each and everyone of them to diagnose and explain why my tendons are buldging and in excruciating pain. Why I can’t do any of the activities I could before. Why I am pretty much disabled and need my family to take care of me. As of today, not one of them have an answer or explanation. They just offer pain meds or surgery. I made a claim to the FDA years ago and never heard back from them. After reading your info I am certain its from the ciprofloxacin eye drops. I am so glad this is out in the open and I will do what I can to spread the word. The Pharmaceutical companies are out of control and obviously care more about money than our lives. Thanks for the blog and all the comments!


  15. Thank you for sharing your story. I only realized what I am suffering from because of you. I’m just a few days into this horrible nightmare. I’m trying to think positively but its hard when you can hardly move.


  16. Very interesting article. Last summer I was in NE cleaning out my store front and I got sick to my stomach. Made an appointment with the Nurse Practitioner & she thought I had a UTI. She prescribed Cipro. Two days later I broke out in my vaginal area and the skin was just peeling off & very painful. I went & saw a doctor who prescribed an oral antibiotic to clear this up. When I went in, he said it looked like I had herpes, tested and it was a severe yeast infection. Then like a week later I couldn’t hardly get out of bed or function. I was getting ready to head back to CA when my rheumatoid arthritis started acting up. I had to get a steroid shot just to drive myself back. Once I got to CA & the shot wore off I had another relapse and haven’t come out of it sense. I can barely walk or drive, severe pain throughout my body, nerve problems & circulation problems. No matter what I do I haven’t had any improvements. I am keeping a positive outlook and hope to see improvements soon!Very interesting article. Last summer I was in NE cleaning out my store front and I got sick to my stomach. Made an appointment with the Nurse Practitioner & she thought I had a UTI. She prescribed Cipro. Two days later I broke out in my vaginal area and the skin was just peeling off & very painful. I went & saw a doctor who prescribed an oral antibiotic to clear this up. When I went in, he said it looked like I had herpes, tested and it was a severe yeast infection. Then like a week later I couldn’t hardly get out of bed or function. I was getting ready to head back to CA when my rheumatoid arthritis started acting up. I had to get a steroid shot just to drive myself back. Once I got to CA & the shot wore off I had another relapse and haven’t come out of it sense. I can barely walk or drive, severe pain throughout my body, nerve problems & circulation problems. No matter what I do I haven’t had any improvements. I am keeping a positive outlook and hope to see improvements soon!
    Amy, I hope you are able to get relief! Until I saw this, I would have never thought of the Cipro causing my problems. Thhank you so much for sharing!


    1. I am finding some relief from information I am learning from Functional Medicine doctors. They have free summits from time to time throughout the year. Right now they are having one called the Microbiome Medicine II. Its about repairing our body’s microbiome which allows our body to heal itself. Very interesting speakers and information that is helping me heal. They only require your first name and email address to join in. May you all find relief!


  17. I am so sorry that you have had to go through such a terrible and painful journey. I admire you for your courage to put your story about the dangers of the drug Flouroquinolone/prescribed Cipro antibiotics,and the effects on the body, and the possible prognosis. No one should be taking this medicine unless it is a last ditch effort. I am so proud of you for the courage you have in writing this to warm people. You have prevented countless people from having to go through the terrible side effects that Cipro can and will give you when it is taken and other drugs could be used that don’t have the threats of the side effects this drug has. May God’s best always lead you to a wonderful life! Thank you!


  18. I took Cipro many years ago and had a reaction of every joint in my body in pain and stiff, I literally had to crawl to the bathroom. I stopped taking it and have never taken it again…but I didn’t realize it was in a ‘family’ of antibiotics so I will now refuse all of them! I also had never heard about other people having adverse reactions so I am glad to learn this info. Over the last 20 years I have had both of my hips replaced, ankle joint surgery, I need a shoulder replacement… I could go on and on with the problems I have all over my body with my joints. I have no idea if Cipro had anything to do with this but I will certainly pay better attention if I am prescribed an antibiotic from now on!


    1. Julie, I’m sorry you have been through all of that. I know how hard it is to battle all of that. I am glad this article might have connected some dots for you and helped you know about the risks for the future. I hope you feel better very soon!


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